
Saturday 16 May 2015


There is something said about moving which is amazing and a nightmare at the same time. We recently  moved from Sydney, NSW to Gold Coast, QLD and I feel like we have not settled (because we have not). Looking for work is a nightmare is such an understatement. Since we have been here I have been doing a lot of thinking about things that interest me and what I want to do in the future. Lots has changed but a lot has stayed the same. However, I do plan on making this blog something of a memory book so that I can look back in the future and read it. Wouldn't it be nice? Now, to just post every week. Stayed tuned for more updates to come. Hopefully, it is sooner rather than later.

Friday 23 January 2015

Sydney Buddha

2 weeks ago, Zee and I visited the Sydney Buddha. It was part of the Sydney Festival 2015. I just thought it would be interesting to have a look at it since I was itching to do more "touristy" stuff before we move to sunny Queensland. I enjoyed just going and having a look at the massive buddha made of ashes which had a spiritual significance. Below are some of the pictures I took of it. This week I am hoping to visit some other areas of the Sydney Festival.

Thursday 8 January 2015

New Year's Resolution

I am never one for keeping new year's resolutions but I really think I should keep this one- to blog more this year. My last post was obviously a while ago in March 2014 and it has always been in the back of mind to log in and blog. I always think I need great content and feel I have not really done anything blog worthy. So here I am, on a day off, on one of my days where I am really considering making some major life changes and thought I should begin with the one resolution that has been existing. Here's to some exciting changes in my life this year such as a move, wedding planning and hopefully a good career change in the direction I actually want. Cheers to 2015 (9 days a little late) :)