
Monday 4 April 2016

April's Chai

How is it already April? Some days I do feel that the days are slow and I am anxiously waiting for cooler days. If anyone know me at all, I really am not a fan of warm weather (Not sure what I am doing on the Gold Coast). It is starting to to cool down and I am loving it. Being April also means its getting closer to my family visiting in June and our honeymoon in July. Winter in New Zealand. I absolutely cannot wait.

This past few weeks I have been obsessed with soy chai lattes specificially the ones from Max Brenner. How I love Max Brenner so much. They are just absolutely divine. I wish I could make them at home so I went looking for alternatives that I could make myself and I came across T2's organic chai. I have always loved T2 and so glad there is a place here in Australia that is completely dedicated to just tea. I am so excited to try this out tonight and hope it lives up to my chaitastic expectations. Wish me luck!

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