
Wednesday 24 May 2017

From this day on....

I love writing my thoughts down in this online journal but always fail to do it often. Often is a understatement as my last post was over a year ago. Lots have happened in that year, as always. Sometimes I feel like my days all mesh into one and before I know it months have passed by. Last year started off with our wedding which was great and buying our little humble townhouse on the Gold Coast (YAY) but months after that I feel things just went downhill with not so great moments.

This year has been a challenge too but what's that they say- "Positivity" Somedays are so hard to stay positive but at the end of the day, I love coming back to my husband to our cosy house and sometimes with pee on the floors (Sasha!)

I hope to write every week. That's a goal I have set for myself so that over the years I have something to look back on and remember all those moment that have been meshed up into one. Till next time.

Shalini xx