
Friday 23 January 2015

Sydney Buddha

2 weeks ago, Zee and I visited the Sydney Buddha. It was part of the Sydney Festival 2015. I just thought it would be interesting to have a look at it since I was itching to do more "touristy" stuff before we move to sunny Queensland. I enjoyed just going and having a look at the massive buddha made of ashes which had a spiritual significance. Below are some of the pictures I took of it. This week I am hoping to visit some other areas of the Sydney Festival.

Thursday 8 January 2015

New Year's Resolution

I am never one for keeping new year's resolutions but I really think I should keep this one- to blog more this year. My last post was obviously a while ago in March 2014 and it has always been in the back of mind to log in and blog. I always think I need great content and feel I have not really done anything blog worthy. So here I am, on a day off, on one of my days where I am really considering making some major life changes and thought I should begin with the one resolution that has been existing. Here's to some exciting changes in my life this year such as a move, wedding planning and hopefully a good career change in the direction I actually want. Cheers to 2015 (9 days a little late) :)