
Sunday 1 May 2016

Tea in all it's glory

Recently, I have been drinking so much tea. I have no idea why but its been my to go drink of choice. I always drink warm water so I decided to spice it up. A few weeks ago Zee and I went on our little or not so little food exploration ventures and decided to try CHA Tea Providores in the new 4217 at Surfers. I am in no way an expert food blogger or anything but I just love this place so much. I love the atmosphere, the tea and scones here. I have only tried the rose tea which is divine. It reminded me of the rose tea I usually get at TWG in Singapore. The service there is amazing too. Check out their whole range of teas on their website. I am so glad there is an amazing high tea place here on the Gold Coast. It's a dream come true.

Check out their website here:

Monday 4 April 2016

Wedding Days

Originally I was going to dedicate a few posts about our Weddings but decided not to. Firstly, if you have been to an indian wedding you would know its long and there are more than a few processes involved in it. Secondly, we also had another wedding where I was lucky enough to wear the most beautiful traditional white dress which I also loved so therefore, instead of breaking them up, I am just going to post a few pictures which I love and share my special days here.

Thank you so much Darwin Gomez Photography for capturing our special day.

April's Chai

How is it already April? Some days I do feel that the days are slow and I am anxiously waiting for cooler days. If anyone know me at all, I really am not a fan of warm weather (Not sure what I am doing on the Gold Coast). It is starting to to cool down and I am loving it. Being April also means its getting closer to my family visiting in June and our honeymoon in July. Winter in New Zealand. I absolutely cannot wait.

This past few weeks I have been obsessed with soy chai lattes specificially the ones from Max Brenner. How I love Max Brenner so much. They are just absolutely divine. I wish I could make them at home so I went looking for alternatives that I could make myself and I came across T2's organic chai. I have always loved T2 and so glad there is a place here in Australia that is completely dedicated to just tea. I am so excited to try this out tonight and hope it lives up to my chaitastic expectations. Wish me luck!

Thursday 24 March 2016

Coming soon...

We received our wedding pictures today and I absolutely love it. I love the fact that all my family and friends are in them. I will update soon but here is a picture of us I love so much because I think we look so young (but we are quite old).

Monday 14 March 2016

Where the road may lead

Life is a pretty short word with a big definition. Every day I tell myself I should blog and write something but I think about a million excuses on why I should not. Honestly, I don't think I have a whole much to say or I don't generally get up to much worth documenting. I started this blog in the beginning anyway because I have always dreamt of writing or at least writing something I would love reading. I grew up reading a lot and still thoroughly enjoy reading. (More of chick/girly novels). So, here I am sitting on my bed trying to fix my blog and write.

These last few weeks have not been the easiest for me. We have been looking for places to live and honestly, without my lovely husband I don't think I have the patience for the whole process because, I don't. The whole process is tedious and tiring and in all honesty I just want to move already. I am not saying I am not grateful for his parents for allowing us to crash at theirs for one year now but we both decided that right after our wedding, we will look for our place to call home. I really miss having our own things, our kitchen utensils and all my stationary. I have these dreams of decorating our own home again. Something so simple yet seems a little far away at this moment. We are getting closer so I know that it will not be to far away. 

With that being said, life in general can be easy but seems complicated to me some days. I think about the what ifs and friends and family I miss dearly. I wish they were living next door to me. Today, I decided to not to care about my what ifs and this timeline I had for my life. I may not have my dream job yet, not studying the millionth degree I want to acquire, our dream home or just a place to call our own for now and  my friends and family living next door but I do know that I was able to take a nice warm shower, had lots of food to eat (A little too much most days), have a soft comfy bed to sleep on, more than enough clothes to wear but most importantly my loved ones are healthy and alive and for that I am thankful. 

So I say, bring on house hunting, school applications and other pressing issues I need to attend to in the next few months but for right now I will try to paint a little picture of my world on my own canvas and see where that leads to. It may not be extravagant in your eyes but for me that is more than enough. 

Monday 15 February 2016

My Wedding Days

About a month ago, I married the love of my life. Most people say Weddings are amazing and all that you hoped and wished for. Part of that was true and don't get me wrong, I loved every bit of it. However, there was that part of me that wanted it to be done with because I was so tired of the planning and little details that made a wedding.

I plan on posting regularly on here and documenting my life with my husband here on the Gold Coast.  Until we get our lives sorted, pack and move out on our own again, I might be a little MIA but I will definitely be blogging more thanks to this awesome new layout (Thank you Alexandra and designerblogs). Here is a picture or two from our weddings- Did I mention we had a few weddings? Don't worry it's to the same guy.