
Thursday 22 June 2017

Thinking about Loss

I know this may be mundane or not a very positive topic but I've been thinking about loss lately. All kinds of loss. Just this year, or in the last 3 months, I've had one family and one family friend pass away. They might have lived their lives and I know that they made an impact on everyone around them and it was sad to see them go but I was not there to say goodbye as I am here in Australia. It also made me think about my own grandparents and sometimes I wonder if living so far away is the right choice. I am not saying I regret my life decision in moving here as I love it here and I love my husband dearly but it gets hard somedays even though I have lived away from home for more than a decade.

Then there are those losses that come by in a split second when you least expect it and you are left wondering was it something I did? I am an avid fan of social media or really just instagram and one person's profile leads you to another and another and although most of their lives differ they sometimes have that one underlying story of loss. That loss I wished I didn't experience, that loss I wished friends close to me didn't either. The many different experiences of miscarriage. It's like you think you had something and then it gets taken away from you but its not a feeling like a material possession you bought and you were sad it's lost. Somedays I can explain it to myself and somedays I can't. Most days I just wish that when we do get pregnant again, I want to be one of those other 3/4 that makes it. Is that so much to ask for? I have so much anxiety around trying for a baby again that sometimes I just don't want to because I think what if it happens again? What if our baby dies again? I say it so easily that it scares me sometimes. This feeling of wishing for motherhood feels like its slipping away from me as the days go by but I guess nothing will happen until we try again. So here's me wishing myself luck in this process of making life.

That was my look of hope before I heard those words of " I am not liking what I am seeing". Words I pray and hope I never have to hear again.